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Alabama Tourism

Social Media 

Alabama Tourism's social media accounts have seen a steady increase of followers and engagement since beginning work on it in April 2016. One of the target goals was to increase followers outside of the state. 


We worked with Facebook , Twitter and two Instagram pages (a travel page and a food page) to promote campaign driven content to bring traffic back to Alabama.Travel or attention to a specific event. The pages were co-written and co-managed with the client. All ads were managed and written by our team.




Facebook Fan Growth                                                       

2015 Total Fans - 55,688

2016 Total Fans - 81,687

2017 Total Fans - 149,124



Facebook Reach Totals

2016 Total Reach - 5,402,252

2017 Total Fans - 58,838,316





Twitter Fan Growth

2015 Total Fans - 16,500

2016 Total Fans - 18,800

2017 Total Fans - 21,873



Twitter Impressions Totals

2016 Total Fans - 1,640,000

2017 Total Fans - 1,903,900







Instagram Fan Growth

2016 Total Fans - 4,125

2017 Total Fans - 6,156



Facebook Promoted Post

Budget: $100 Reached: 18,223 people Engagement: 964 likes, comments, clicks

Instagram Post

Likes: 284 Impressions: 3,580

Facebook Ad

Engagement Ad Budget: $250 Page Likes: 1,813 Reach: 16,044 Avg. cost per click: $0.14 Brand Awareness Ad Budget: $250 Brand Awareness: 10,900 Reach: 150,651 Avg. cost per click: $0.02

Facebook Ad

Website Clicks Ad Budget: $600 Website Clicks: 2,804 Reach: 100,416 Impressions: 159,735 Avg. cost per click: $0.14 Brand Awareness Ad Budget: $250 Brand Awareness: 10,900 Reach: 150,651 Avg. cost per click: $0.02

Instagram Post

Likes: 245 Impressions: 3,324

Facebook Ad

Budget: $250 Engagement: 50,888 Reach: 68,181 Impressions: 90,070 Avg. cost per click: $0.01

Promoted Facebook Live

Budget: $1000 Reach: 265,684 Video Views: 134,042 Engagement: 2,236 Clicks: 3,903

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